The Secret Sauce…Engagement

by Corey Stark

Throughout history, people have constantly and consistently searched for “the meaning of life.”  This quandary has been contemplated by great thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Monty Python.  However, none of these worldly thinkers have come up with a solution that resonates with every single person.  I do not want to begin to throw my name into the hat as being the solver of the universe’s most complex questions, but thought I could offer some perspective on what a 29 year-old, entrepreneurial, born and raised Midwestern goofball might be thinking.  

In my experience in the professional world, I have been afforded the opportunity to meet some cool people, visit some neat places, and hear some very smart people speak on ideas of motivation, leadership, and success.  I have been lucky in this sense because many of the points of view have come from people across the nation and diverse backgrounds.  The idea that is common to all of them, however, is simple. Engagement.

While this may be a four letter word to single males my age, it is also the key to unlock success, fortune, and meaning for organizations, and most importantly, their leaders.  A study conducted by Gallup, State of the American Workplace, reviewed workforces from 2010 to 2012 and noted that 70% of all workers are not engaged or are actively disengaged.  What does this translate too? The results of this study suggest that nearly 3 of every 4 of your employees at organization leaders are not moving in the same direction that you aim for as a company, or, even (much, much, much, much worse…), they are actively moving against the direction you see for your organization! This is a great queue for a terrible metaphor that is overused so I select the tug-of-war picture for you… Translation of 70% of your organization pulling in the opposite direction as you means you better have Arnold Schwarzenegger from Commando pulling with you to win out. giphy

But is that how you want to win?

Stretching that metaphor out more would you like having to bring out the most awesome warrior of cinematic history to “win” everyday? If your answer is yes, I suggest the following: find a great shrink, bankruptcy lawyer, and divorce lawyer.  You are not going to win in the end. You, my friend, are a dictator.

Modern managers need to find innovative ways to encourage engagement of the people they are leading (note I did not say overseeing or managing).  And why do you think you need to put all of this critical thinking, innovating, and problem solving on yourself? Here’s a great way to engage people…freakin’ engage them!!! What do your people think about your process to move a new prospect to a buying customer? What do your people think of the way your marketing appears on signage or in your most important targeted delivery methods?

Finally, hey, you producer, worker, Johnny employee…get off your butt!  I’ll dive into aspects of finding happiness and meaning in your work in a later post, but do you think your boss got there because of luck? Well, some probably did, but why sulk? Do not ask the “why” questions and start asking the “why not” questions.  My guess is at least some of the readers (maybe 4 of the 12 or so in total) might think you work for an overbearing, controlling, and stubborn boss.  These are the people that you need to show your engagement to most in most circumstances.  Give them bottom-line results and do not let them ignore your value.

So what does all of this mean? This piece touched on the what, where, when, and how, but what is glaringly missing is the why.  This is intentional.  The “why” has to come from within.  Do you want things to turnaround? Do you want more success, fortune, and recognition? Do you want better relationships? This post may have been driven by the desired results in the workplace, but do you think more active engagement in your personal life won’t benefit your marriage, relationships with family and friends, and your own self-esteem and confidence? It’s the secret sauce people. Take responsibility and accountability for your future and that of the people you are leading.  The rewards will be great.


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