When you find your why

Carrying through each day on self-motivation to produce results will only take you so far.  Frankly, the satisfaction of achieving results for someone else’s goals will only take you to the point where you feel undervalued. At some point, having your work lead to growing success for someone else -i.e. “The Man”- will run its course. Everyone, with zero exceptions, needs their own “why.”

The day you find that “why” will be unequivocally impactful. I am now fortunate enough to say that I knew my why before, but it has been reinforced in a profound way in the past 20 or so weeks.  I learned after significant adversity, stress, and unmatched feelings of loss, I will be a dad in the spring of 2018.  

I have written in the past about my personal mission statement; my “why.” It is less a statement and more a reminder, Family, Friends, Future.  It is not dissimilar in the outward words to many you have likely heard in your travels.  However, it is a unique feeling to me.  I can promise you that  it has taken on even new importance  and meaning over the past few months.  It sometimes takes a life altering event like learning you are going to be a parent to have a new reality punch you in the face.  I would not consider myself unique in any way because of this blessing that has been given to my wife and I.  In fact, there have to be dozens of people that you know that have been changed by becoming a parent for the first time (…sure as hell hope so…). But like each of those people, my experience is unique.

My wife and I had to overcome more tribulations than we were really prepared for in beginning the journey of becoming parents. There were times of heartache, depression, loss, and vulnerability I had never felt.  We had to face some of our lowest private moments far too publicly based purely on circumstances and geography. The bad seemed to be fighting back the good uncontrollably. Luckily for us, our path took a blessed turn and we learned we were pregnant this past August.  As fast as a light switch can light up a room, we were illuminated with joy, relief, and love.  

While our everyday now gets occupied in a small way of worry that we might lose what we cherish most again, we also know now that is our new reality of parenthood.  Circumstances may come, but facing them with our current outlook of pragmatism and positivity will conquer far more often.  

So what now?

My reason why to get up each morning has never been stronger.  Finishing those last few tasks and maintaining focus throughout the day has become easier and easier.  When there is great meaning behind why you work hard and develop, the simpler things become.  You are able to say “yes” AND “no” to someone easier than you could imagine.  The value placed on your time  increases. The desire to make an impact grows.  This is why connecting organizational values to personal mission is vital as anything you will do, or your company does.  

As I close, I must send my caring message to those still battling the unknown forces with infertility. I know your pain, questions, uncertainty, helplessness, and anger.  Every journey is different. Each one is blessed and right as the next even if they seem to go off script.  It is only a matter of allowing whatever greater power you might believe in or follow to guide you and take each next step as the first.  Know that my family will be praying for you to find wherever your happy ending may actually be.  Because I sincerely believe there is a happy ending for everyone to find.  

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