Succeeding is Caring

Just this past May, as a CPA exiting busy season, inevitable reflection ensues regarding the  past year.  We fortunate few CPAs truly work nine months in preparation for three months every year. Either irony, fate, or pure coincidence led to ESPN’s 30 for 30 series premiering their documentary “One and Not Done” covering the University…Read more Succeeding is Caring

Are you still teaching answers? Because you won’t get results

In my line of work as an audit manager for a firm that pumps out 4,000 audits per year, I have to coordinate double digit staff members for multiple clients at once.  Many of these staff members are what management level types like to call “damn millennials.” These people are extremely talented that just lack…Read more Are you still teaching answers? Because you won’t get results

Engagement is a Lifestyle, NOT a Diet

The most profound words that were ever spoken, of course, came from my wife. Somehow, all wives are blessed with infinite wisdom and grace. It's funny how that works. But on a night shortly after we both committed to losing some unwanted L-B's (aka pounds), she spit me with some truth more powerful than a high and tight Kenny Powers fastball. "This isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle."

The Secret Sauce…Engagement

In my experience in the professional world, I have been afforded the opportunity to meet some cool people, visit some neat places, and hear some very smart people speak on ideas of motivation, leadership, and success. I have been lucky in this sense because many of the points of view have come from people across the nation and diverse backgrounds. The idea that is common to all of them, however, is simple. Engagement.